I have no quibble with the government offering relocation to people who are at risk of Covid 19. But it is being mixed in with an obvious 'Community Housing' agenda. We know from experience that 'access to other housing being offered' at the end of the 2 year private lease is that public tenants will only be offered - or at best heavily leaned on to accept - Community/Social Housing. Or else they will end up with nowhere to live... Some choice! Taking advantage of a crisis to sneak in a privatisation agenda is plain LOW. A typical example of government deviousness. It makes me sad. Can't they just fix the problem rather than continue with their dysfunctional agenda of replacing Public Housing with non-govt Community/Social Housing ?! We agree with Ellen Sandell, Acting Leader of the Greens, who said we "cannot allow this to be 'privatisation by stealth' of public housing."
Entire public housing estates were cleared on the promise to vulnerable public tenants that they would be returning to Public Housing. ( everything would stay the same) Public tenants left their homes in good faith. The first three tranches to go across has resulted in no Public Housing at all. It has been replaced by 'social housing', 'affordable housing' ( up to 80% of market rents, usually set just under 75% to ensure charity status tax breaks ), and private housing.
In Brunswick West - the tender went to Women's Housing Limited.
In Northcote and Nth Melbourne the tender was won by HousingFirst Social/Community Housing Association.
To quote Inner Melbourne Community Legal Centre.
"The shift from public housing to social housing will mean many tenants may move back to having a new, less publicly accountable landlord and probably fewer tenancy rights."
Here is The AGE article
Nine towers in Flemington and North Melbourne were placed under hard lockdown in July following COVID-19 outbreaks in public housing estates, with 3000 residents banned from leaving their homes for five days.
the State Government’s $31.7 million tower relocation program, up to
420 private rental properties will be leased for two years and offered
to high rise estate tenants at greater risk due to the coronavirus.
voluntary program will target public housing tenants living in larger
households or those who have medical issues that make them more
vulnerable to COVID-19.
government says it will significantly reduce the risk of coronavirus
transmission and open up much needed social housing for Victorians on
the Victorian Housing register.
An estimated 80,000 people are waiting for public housing in Victoria.
“It’s part of our ongoing work to keep high-rise public housing tenants safe and supported during the pandemic.”
An estimated 80,000 people are waiting for public housing in Victoria.
state has the lowest proportion of social housing stock in Australia at
3.2 per cent of all housing, compared with the national average of 4.5
per cent.
“Relocating large families and residents with health
issues who wish to move will reduce the risk coronavirus poses to these
households,” said Housing Minister Richard Wynne.“It’s part of our ongoing work to keep high-rise public housing tenants safe and supported during the pandemic.”
Victorian Greens wrote to Mr Wynne in June warning many families were
desperately waiting for transfers to ease their overcrowded living
The letter said these conditions had become even more
stark during COVID-19 restrictions, with children attempting to learn
from home while parents worked in tiny apartments.
Leader of the Victorian Greens, Ellen Sandell, said the tower
relocation program would be a relief for many public housing residents
who are living in overcrowded and poorly maintained public housing, and
worried about the risk of COVID-19.
“But it’s also a clear acknowledgement by the Victorian Government that they have abandoned public housing and failed to build enough houses for people, and this failure by the Government is what got us into this mess in the first place,” Ms Sandell said.
The government said it built on protection measures already implemented in high-rise public housing towers such as increased cleaning and sanitisation of common areas and touch points, hand sanitiser in all towers and information in a variety of languages on how to slow the spread of coronavirus.
“But it’s also a clear acknowledgement by the Victorian Government that they have abandoned public housing and failed to build enough houses for people, and this failure by the Government is what got us into this mess in the first place,” Ms Sandell said.
temporary fix will only put a band-aid on the problem. If the
government wants to truly support public housing residents in the
long-term, it needs to build more public housing so these families
actually have somewhere to live when these private leases run out in two
years’ time. We also cannot allow this to be 'privatisation by stealth'
of public housing."
The tower relocation program was supported by
Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton as a measure to help slow the spread
of coronavirus.The government said it built on protection measures already implemented in high-rise public housing towers such as increased cleaning and sanitisation of common areas and touch points, hand sanitiser in all towers and information in a variety of languages on how to slow the spread of coronavirus.
Yes, if something seems too good to be true, then in this case it certainly is. Beware of Premier's bearing gifts, such as transferring up to 420 families in public housing towers who have health problems or are large families, has a sting in the tale! Past & ongoing Government failure has put public housing into this mess. But beware after the 2 year rent assistance ends there will be only 2 options (1) full private rental or (2) community/social housing if they are acceptable to their new landlords & frankly to date very few will qualify. Jeremy & Ellen Sandell's comments are spot on.
ReplyDeleteThe system needs to be fixed OT handed over to the Communbity housing sector that treats its tenants like cash cows and also shabbily. Offering those in Public Housing is stealth by the backdoor. The gov is putting blinders on those in desperate need without telling them the end game. The end game is to hand over to the NFP's who in reality don't really want those on Centrelink and will find a way to move them out ... eventually. Investment in Public Housing and fixing it is the only 2 options that should happen