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Wednesday, 21 October 2020




1. Do you support Public Housing as an integral part of the housing mix? 

A. Public housing is an essential part of the housing mix, and should be supported, improved and increased. In planning for the needs of our growing community, I will advocate for better and more public housing. I will advocate for increasing public housing in Yarra as well as maintaining and upgrading existing public housing and associated facilities. Every person should have enough space to live in, access to amenities that are in good, functioning order, and culturally and linguistically appropriate services available to them. In response to calls from public housing residents in Yarra, I will also advocate for the establishment of a charter of rights for public housing tenants, including the establishment of a dedicated Public Housing Ombudsman to handle issues, concerns and complaints from public housing residents. I will encourage and promote tenant participation in decisions about public housing services. I believe that in order to adequately service public housing communities, the function of Public Housing should be removed from the Department of Health and Human Services and into a new statutory Public Housing Authority. In advocating for new and existing public housing communities, I will promote the importance of significant open space and I will support the adaptation of public housing to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as heat stress.

2. In Victoria, Public Housing as distinct from Community Housing, makes up 2.7% of all housing. Is this too high? Is this too low?

A. 2.7% is much too low. I will strongly support opportunities to increase the amount of public housing in Yarra.

3. Is Public Housing the best model for preventing and addressing homelessness?

A. Yes. Other proposed private models lack transparency and are unaffordable for those who need it most.

4. Have you or anyone in your family or friendship circle ever been homeless?

A.Yes, I have supported friends through periods of homelessness and understand some of the complexities that accompany homelessness.

5. Do you think the language regarding the various housing models should be more transparent? 

A. See 7.

6. Do you think the issue of Public Housing versus Community Housing has been sufficiently discussed in the public domain?

A. No, there is little public awareness or understanding of the vast differences between the terms.

7. Should public tenants and those eligible for public housing be sufficiently informed of the differences between Community and Public Housing and of their rights and protections?

A. Yes, these differences must be clear and delivered in appropriate and diverse languages. Prospective tenants must be supported to understand the conditions of the tenancy and whether it is appropriate for their situation.

8. Do you oppose the transferring of Public Housing stock to Community Housing corporations?

A. Yes. I will oppose the sell-off of public housing sites in Yarra, and oppose the conversion of public housing to "social", "community" or "affordable" housing. I will oppose the privatisation of public housing by the State Government. I believe there is also the need for affordable housing stock, but it should not replace the provision of public housing.

9. Do you support a significant build of Public Housing in your area to address homelessness?

A. Yes. I will support opportunities to build more public housing in Yarra.

10. Would public land that is being earmarked for private and 'Social Housing’ be better utilised for Public Housing?

A. Yes, there is a dire need for more Public Housing to meet the needs of low-income earners and people facing homelessess.

Any further comments you wish to make are welcome, and will be published.

I am proud to be running for Council on a joint Greens ticket with Anab Mohamud, who is a public housing resident and a true leader of the community.The Yarra Green's public housing policies are can be found in our "Care for People" and "Built Environment" policies, here:

Thanks from




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